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Financial Advisors & Solicitors - TaxKey hero

Financial Advisors & Solicitors

We work closely with solicitors and financial advisors who need specialist tax advice to support their own client services.

Our specialisms include

  • Retirement and Estate Planning
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Tax Efficient Corporate Structures
  • VAT, including VAT on Property
  • Gift and inheritance tax (Capital Acquisitions Tax)
  • Property transactions
  • International tax planning including Double Tax Agreements
Financial Advisors

We work closely with financial advisors who are engaged in wealth planning for their clients. We deliver customised tax planning solutions to your clients relevant to their financial circumstances. Through a combination of our expertise, flexibility and understanding of the Irish tax system, we work to develop customised tax strategies for each client. We can help you and your clients make important early decisions that can shape future success and maximise the opportunity to avail of relevant tax reliefs.


We work with solicitors who require specialist tax advice to support their own client services.

Engaging with us will save you time and enhance your client relationship allowing you to focus on building your core business.

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Mairead Hennessy is a super accountant. Smart, professional and a pleasure to deal with. I would highly recommend Mairead to anyone looking for an accountant.

Luke Hanahoe Hanahoe & Hanahoe Solicitors

Articles from our Knowledge Centre

Tax Considerations for Growing Companies

We are always excited about working with Irish SMEs that are experiencing significant growth and are looking to expand their operations overseas. In t…

Navigating VAT Pitfalls When Selling Commercial Property

Selling commercial property can be a complex process, especially when it comes to understanding and managing Value-Added Tax (VAT) implications. It is…

Tax Relief on the Gift or Inheritance of a Business

Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT) is an Irish tax that is levied on individuals who receive gifts and inheritances. This tax is charged on the value of t…