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New Client Company - TaxKey hero

New Client Form

Please complete the form below

Part A

3. Legal form of entity, please tick as appropriate:(Required)

Part B – Company

Defined as any shareholders/members who ultimately own or control more than 25% of the shares or voting rights of a company, or, in the case of a partnership, anyone who is entitled to or controls more than 25% of the capital, profits or voting rights; and Any individual who otherwise exercises control over management & can appoint/remove the majority of them, or in whose main interest the entity was set up or operates(please note that this could include an individual who ultimately owns or controls less than 25% of the shares or voting rights of a company, or, in the case of a partnership, anyone who is entitled to or controls less than 25% of the capital, profits or voting rights).

By submitting this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

On receipt of the completed questionnaires, relevant parties will be invited to complete our onboarding process. As part of this process, a letter of engagement along with deposit invoice and any other associated documentation will be issued. All relevant parties will also be directed to our online identification verification portal. A copy of current photographic identification (i.e. passport or driving licence) along with current proof of address dated within the past 3 months will be required to complete the verification.

Appendix 1- Definition of PEP

Section 37 of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing) Act 2010 (CJA) as amended, requires Taxkey to identify Politically Exposed Persons, or any individual who is an immediate family member or a close associate of a Politically Exposed Person, prior to establishing a business relationship.

Politically exposed person means an individual who is or has at any time in the preceding 12 months been, entrusted with a prominent public function, including either of the following individuals (but not including any middle ranking or more junior official).

  1. a specified official;
  2. a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise or any individual performing a “prescribed” function or an immediate family member or close associate of such a person;

“specified official” means any of the following officials (including any such officials in an institution of the European Communities or an international body):

  1. a head of state, head of government, government minister or deputy or assistant government minister;
  2. a member of a parliament or of a similar legislative body;
  3. a member of the governing body of a political party;
  4. a member of a supreme court, constitutional court or other high-level judicial body whose decisions, other than in exceptional circumstances, are not subject to further appeal;
  5. a member of a court of auditors or of the board of a central bank;
  6. an ambassador, chargé d’affairs or high-ranking officer in the armed forces;
  7. a director, deputy director or member of the board of, or person performing the equivalent function in relation to, an international organisation.

“immediate family member” of a politically exposed person includes any of the following persons:

  1. any spouse of the politically exposed person;
  2. any person who is considered to be equivalent to a spouse of the politically exposed person under the national or other law of the place where the person or politically exposed person resides;
  3. any child of the politically exposed person;
  4. any spouse of a child of the politically exposed person;
  5. any person considered to be equivalent to a spouse of a child of the politically exposed person under the national or other law of the place where the person or child resides;
  6. any parent of the politically exposed person;
  7. any other family member of the politically exposed person who is of a prescribed class;

“close associate” of a politically exposed person includes any of the following persons:

  1. any individual who has joint beneficial ownership of a legal entity or legal arrangement, or any other close business relations, with the politically exposed person;
  2. any individual who has sole beneficial ownership of a legal entity or legal arrangement set up for the actual benefit of the politically exposed person;