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Deadline for Reporting Foreign Income and Gains – 9 Key Points by Taxkey Mar 2, 2017 Revenue Procedures Taxation

Taxpayers throughout the country have received a letter from Revenue about the deadline for reporting foreign income and gains on 30th April 2017 if they were not previously d...

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Repayment of Tax Claims – Recent Tax Appeal Commission decisions by Taxkey Feb 24, 2017 Income Tax Revenue Procedures

The Tax Appeal Commission was set up in 2016 and has to date published 26 determinations. Two determinations made in December 2016 dealt with the procedural requirements for a taxp...

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Revenue eBrief confirms status of Revenue Opinions and Confirmations by Taxkey Jan 27, 2017 Revenue Procedures Taxation

Yesterday, 26th January 2017, the Irish Revenue issued an eBrief confirming that all opinions / confirmations issued by them have a maximum validity of 5 years, or shorter period a...

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